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Mount Hope’s women’s ministry offers different opportunities to get connected from participating in Sisters-In-Christ/Secret Sisters, Women’s Bible Study and the “Spring Forth women’s go-away,” to the “On the Go” bi-monthly events that can include vigorous outdoor activities to touring the museums in DC and anything else in between. Each of these events offers an opportunity for not only church members but their neighbors, family members and co-workers to participate as well. The fellowship of believers having fun and sharing the love of Christ can be contagious!


Mount Hope’s men’s ministry hosts a once a month gathering for men to come together for food, fellowship, music and inspirational time of sharing from the Bible. The gathering is hosted by a different person each month and the topics and speakers vary. But one thing is sure, the men always come away blessed and encouraged in their relationship with the Lord and enjoy their fellowship with other men. 



  • Provides meals to families of those who are recuperating from surgery or childbirth, as well as serving meals to families after the death of a loved one.

  • Provide food and gifts to families in the community during Thanksgiving and Christmas

  • Volunteers provide assistance to those who are unable to complete small repairs in their home or need transportation to medical appointments.

  • Organizes a church-wide volunteer opportunity to serve in the community.


These team members lead the congregation into the presence of God through worship that gives Him the glory, honor and praise that he deserves. If you would like more information about becoming part of the worship ministry or media team, contact Betty Dodson at 301-471-8989.


Each usher does their part to greet people in a warm way that helps them feel welcome and at ease. In addition to the warm smile or a friendly handshake, ushers are always attentive to any needs that may arise and provide assistance where needed. Some of their official responsibilities include: Set up for services, distribute bulletins and receive offerings.

If you would like more information about serving as an usher contact Alvin Frizzell at 301-829-7837. 


Through prayer and financial support, Mount Hope Christian Church partners with the Frederick Rescue Mission and Noah Ministries (Africa) to help them minister the love of Jesus Christ to the spiritually lost, the homeless, the poor and suffering.


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