When are your service times?
Our Sunday morning service begins at 10am. This service typically begins with some great contemporary and traditional praise and worship songs, followed by announcements and greetings. Before the morning message is delivered, the children are released for Children's Church. Pastor Leon then delivers a fantastic message! Pastor Leon has a great "delivery" you won't forget anytime soon! This is one church you won't fall asleep in! If you're looking for a message that's relevant to how you live your life everyday... one that's filled with biblical truths and passionately delivered, then you're in the right place!
On Wednesday evenings we split up into several groups: There's a nursery for two and under, Children's Church for ages 3-5 and 6-11, Youth Ministry for 12-18 years of age, a "New Believer's" class for adults who consider themselves new Christians, and an Adult Bible Study. Wednesday evening classes are a great way to fellowship and learn about God. There's no need to feel intimidated or uncomfortable... each of us had to take that first step at one time or another - just relax and come as you are! Don't worry, we're not going to quiz you on the Bible or single you out... you're welcome to just kick back and learn about the Lord! (Did I mention there's usually some of us going out to eat afterwards? We sure do like to eat...!)
Is there a dress code?
Yes - you must wear clothes! You will see anything from shorts and flip flops to suits and ties. God is concerned about the condition of the heart, not the condition of the clothes and so are we. Feel free to dress in whatever makes you feel most comfortable.
Where's the church?
You can get directions here. We currently hold services at 11791 Fingerboard Road, Suite 200 in Monrovia, MD. We are located upstairs above the YMCA. We have recently purchased 12 acres of property and are getting ready to build our new church. This is an exciting time for Mount Hope Christian Church! And, it's a fantastic time to begin worshiping with us! It's not often we get the opportunity to be part of something new and exciting... something we can actively be a part of building and growing! Why not join us and become part of something big!
Where do I park and when should I arrive?
Parking is available directly in front of the chuch building as well as in the parking lot to the left. We have no "reserved" spots so don't be concerned you might be taking someone's spot! We recommend that you arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the service. If you have children, you may want to arrive about 15 minutes early.
Where do I enter and once I'm inside, where do I go?
Good question! There's nothing more nerve-racking than pulling up and trying to figure out where to go! Not to worry - here's all you have to do: As you face the church building, you will notice the main entrance located at the center of the building. That's where you enter. Once inside, you will run into one of our greeters. You may take the stairs or the elevator to the second floor. Turn right down the hallway to the sancutuary.
You're not going to embarrass me are you?
We all know how you feel... it's a new church, and, for some, it might even be your first time attending church - it can be intimidating. You might be thinking, "Do I have to give money, are they going to make me say something in front of everyone, are they going to somehow single me out?" Don't worry, none of us likes to be put on the spot. Our only wish is that you just relax and absorb everything our church has to offer you. No one is going to embarrass you and no one is going to "badger" you. Come on in, have a good time and make some new friends - you'll be glad you did!
I'm not familiar with "church jargon"... sometimes I don't understand what you are talking about.
You're absolutely right! If you've never been part of a church family you may not recognize some of the terms or phrases we use. We've all been there at one time or another. Not a problem - just ask! We want to make sure you understand all the awesome things God has in store for you!
Have questions? Contact Us